
British Journal of Physiological Optics

Catalogue Number: 1527
British Journal of Physiological Optics
Category: Periodical, magazine
Association: British Optical Association
Time Period: 1900 to 1939
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: London
Publisher/Manufacturer: British Optical Association
Description Of Item: Set of bound volumes light blue and navy blue cloth covers of the British Journal of Physiological Optics comprising: Series 1 Volume 2 1927 to Volume 13 1939 and Series 2 Volume 14 1940 Volume to 34 1980. (Volume 28 1973 is missing).
Historical Significance: The publisher of this journal, the British Optical Association, was founded in 1895. It was one of the earliest optometry professional associations and the first to run professional examinations for optometrists. The professional examinations led to the award of Fellowship of the British Optical Association (FBOA). The British Journal of Physiological Optics was one of the earliest learned research optometry journals: only the 'American Journal of Optometry and Archives of the American Academy of Optometry' (commenced 1923) and the 'American Journal of Physiological Optics' (commenced 1920) preceded it. The second series of British Journal of Physiological Optics which started in 1940 resulted from an amalgamation with the 'Dioptric Review', which was also published by the British Optical Association. The amalgamation occurred because World War 2 reduced the number of financial members of the Association, since so many were on active war service, and cost cutting was necessary. British Journal of Physiological Optics ceased publication in 1980 (There was only one issue in Vol 34 1980) when the Association wound up after the British College of Optometrists was established. The new College commenced publication of 'Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics' in 1980 as the successor to Brit J Physiol Optics.
How Acquired: Ex Nathan Library
Condition: Good
Location: Archive room. East wall. Journals

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