
Report of the Victorian Optical College

Catalogue Number: 1583
Report of the Victorian Optical College
Category: Papers
Sub-Category: Optometry Association papers, reports
Committee: Education Committee of the Victorian Optical Association
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1923
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Sydney
Publisher/Manufacturer: The Commonwealth Optometrist
Description Of Item: Single page torn from the 'Commonwealth Optometrist' of August 1923 (page 120). There is a missing following page.
Historical Significance: This is the 1923 report of the Education Committee of the Victorian Optical Association, the fore-runner of Optometrists Association. The Association was founded in 1911 and commenced offering courses of training in optometry in 1913 and continued to do so up to 1944. The course lead to Fellowship of the Victorian Optical Association (FVOA), which became a registrable qualification when registration of optometrists was introduced in 1935. While the course was offered by the VOA and run by the Education Committee of the VOA, the Committee had a good degree of independence, as is evident from remarks made in the report. Sometimes the course was described as being offered by the Victorian Optical College but that body had no tangible existence. The report notes that the members of the committee are JK Cumberland, HS Bell, S Latimer (pictured), WHM Browne, C Challen and CW Kett. It reports there were 20 students, 10 in first year and 10 in second year. It was at the time a two year part-time course. Details of fees and examination results are given.
Condition: Poor. Torn and patched with sticky tape
Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 4

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