Catalogue Number: 1603 The Antarctic glasses saga (and what it was like to be a patient of the clinic of the Victorian College of Optometry in 1967) Category: Papers Sub-Category: Letter, notes, memos Author: Rowan Webb Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 2009 Time Period: 21st C Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Melbourne Description Of Item: Print-out of an email of 2 pages sent to the Kett Museum by Dr Des Lugg containing an account written by Mr Rowan Webb of his experiences attending the optometry clinic of the Victorian College of Optometry in 1967 for contact lenses to correct his high myopia. It also includes the story of how he lost his contact lenses while in Mawson in the Antarctic and how spectacles had been made for him from perspex by technicians in Antarctia to a prescription radioed from Melbourne. Historical Significance: Rowan Webb (? -2010) had a BA in Prehistory from La Trobe University and, from Melbourne University, a BSc (Hons) in Bushfire Ecology, an MSc in Successional Plant Ecology. He researched plant ecology in the Antarctic. He became a Technical Officer, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, School of Humanities at the University of New England. Dr Des Lugg was in charge of Australia's medical program of the Australian Antarctic Division for 30 years having begun his Antarctic career in 1962 as medical officer in Davis. How Acquired: Donated by Dr Des Lugg Condition: Good Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 4 |