
Ametropie en hare gevolgen [Ametropia and its consequences] In remembrance of the fiftieth jubilee of Professor B.F. Suerman

Catalogue Number: 37
Ametropie en hare gevolgen [Ametropia and its consequences] In remembrance of the fiftieth jubilee of Professor B.F. Suerman
Category: Book
Sub-Category: Significant book (Aitken collection)
Author: DONDERS, Franz Cornelius
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1860
Time Period: 19th C
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Utrecht, The Netherlands
Publisher/Manufacturer: C.G Van der Post
Description Of Item: This book has original printed yellow paper wrappers, 240 x 150 mm, with 133 pages followed by three plates presenting data, including data relating accommodation to age. The book or lecture commemorates Professor Suerman to whom Donders writes a eulogy. The foreword is by De Schrijver.
Historical Significance: Frans Cornelius Donders (1818 - 1889) was Professor of Ophthalmology at the University of Utrecht and made important contributions to understanding accommodation and refractive errors. In particular he guided ophthalmology (and later optometry) to the scientific measurement of refractive errors and presbyopia and their correction by glasses. Previously refractive errors had interested only physicists and physiologists such as Kepler, Kastner, Young and Airey and opthalmologists were dismissive of glasses while opticians sold glasses selected by trial. This is Donders' first important essay on ametropia and is the precursor to his classic book also held in this collection. See Newell F. 'Franciscus Cornelis Donders'. Am J Ophthalmol 1989;107:691-3 and Lebensohn J. 'Donders and Astigmatism'. Am J Ophthalmol 1960;49:1053-6. See also the 1899 English translation of a similar essay in this collection. Cat Nos 56, 57, 68 and 78 are works by Donders held in this collection.
How Acquired: Donated by Michael Aitken, honorary archivist
Date Acquired: 1989
Condition: Good. Spine has small defects
Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 1

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