
Ophthalmoscopy. Hand Atlas Series Vol 1

Catalogue Number: 1694
Ophthalmoscopy. Hand Atlas Series Vol 1
Category: Book
Sub-Category: Book of historical note
Author: HAAB, Otto [Translated by Ernest Clarke]
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1895
Edition: First Edition
Time Period: 19th C
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: London
Publisher/Manufacturer: Bailliere, Tindall and Cox
Description Of Item: Orange cloth cover, 55 pages of introductory text, 64 colour plates each accompanied by a page of descriptive text. Name and address of RGM Hogan, a mid 20th C Melbourne optometrist, on preface page
Historical Significance: Otto Haab (1850-1931) was educated in Zurich and received his doctorate there in 1875. Already the previous year, 1874, he was assistant to Carl Joseph Eberth (1835-1926) in pathological anatomy, and in 1877 he was at the ophthalmological clinic under Johann Friedrich Horner (1831-1886). He was habilitated for ophthalmology in 1879 in Zurich. In 1886 Haab succeeded Horner at the University of Zurich, remaining in this position until 1919. His written work concerns a wide spectre of ophthalmological themes. He contributed in particular to the knowledge of the pathological anatomy of the eye, operative ophthalmology and in particular the treatment of lesions of the eye. He introduced the giant magnet in eye medicine. Otto Haab is also remembered for Haab's lines = horizontal breaks in Descemet membrane occurring in congenital glaucoma, Haab's eye knife, Haab's eye mirror, Haab's needle and Haab's scleral resection knife. The numerous chromolithographed illustrations by Reichold of Munich are a special feature of this book. We hold other books by Dr Haab. (Cat No 60, 65, 573, 783, 1222 and 1243) including a very similar book 'Atlas and epitome of ophthalmoscopy and ophthalmoscopic diagnosis' 1910 See Cat No 783
How Acquired: Donated by Peter Dwyer, member of the College, who received this and other items from the family of Melbourne optometrist, RGM Hogan
Date Acquired: November 2010
Condition: Poor. Missing title page and several preliminary pages and probably some pages after Plate 64.
Location: Archive room. East wall. Books of historical note

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