
Pince-nez fitted with round segment split type bifocal lenses

Catalogue Number: 1697
Pince-nez fitted with round segment split type bifocal lenses
Category: Spectacles and lenses
Sub-Category: Pince-nez
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: late 19th C
Time Period: 19th C
Description Of Item: Gold Astig-style pince-nez spectacles (100 x 32 mm) fitted with grooved spilt type round segment bifocal lenses, power R&L +1.25 D add +3.50 D
Historical Significance: This is an unusual construction of bifocal lenses, resembling a Franklin bifocal but with round segments
How Acquired: Donated by CW Kett, founding member and life member of the Australian College of Optometry
Date Acquired: c 1975
Condition: Fair
Location: Archive Office. Spectacles cabinet Drawer 9

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