Catalogue Number: 1809 Collection of manuals and instructions for use leaflets for various ophthalmic instruments Category: Book Sub-Category: Manual, for instruments etc Corporation: Bausch and Lomb, Haag Streit, and others Time Period: 1940 to 1999 Description Of Item: Collection of manuals and instructions for use leaflets for various ophthalmic instruments including: (1) Haag Streit Javal Schiotz ophthalmometer (two versons of different date) (2) Haag Streit lamp for ophthalmoscopy and laryngoscopy (3) Haag Streit Goldmann applanation tonometer (4) Haag Streit slit lamp 1955 (5) Bausch and Lomb Acuity projector (6) Medical Instrument Research Associates Small pupil ophthalmosope (7) Medical Workshop Surgical Instruments Electric rust ring remover (8) Paper by Howland and others 'Clinical evaluation of the small pupil ophthalmoscope' published in Arch Ophthal 1969; 82: 466-474. How Acquired: Donated by Pamela Sutton, honorary archivist Date Acquired: March 2011 Condition: Good Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 4 |