
The principles of optometry. An illustrated text book with questions

Catalogue Number: 1840
The principles of optometry. An illustrated text book with questions
Category: Book
Sub-Category: Book of historical note
Author: LOCKWOOD Robert Minturn
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1906
Edition: 2nd Edition
Time Period: 1900 to 1939
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: New York
Publisher/Manufacturer: Frederick Boger Publishing Company
Description Of Item: Original green cloth covers, 125 pages, 80 black and white figures in text. Old rubber stamp for R Darcy (osteopath) 243 Collins Street Melbourne on front fly leaf.
Historical Significance: Lockwood published 8 books each on an aspect of optometry - the human eye, frames and lenses, transpositions, subjective tests and retinoscopy. This book is an example of the kind of help optometrist tutors provided to aspiring optometrists in the early 20thC. Lockwood was one of the earliest American optometrists to write especially for his profession. Robert Minturn Lockwood (1857-1920), was born in New York City and soon showed gifts for mathematics and languages but his education was limited by family circumstances. He followed his father in electrical manufacturing and later worked with telephone companies including the Bell Telephone Company. In 1900 he became business manager of the Jenner Medical College in Chicago, where he also taught physics and medical Latin where he was informally encouraged to study optometry. He then taught mathematics and optics at the Illinois College of Ophthalmology and Otology, where he concurrently studied optometry. He moved to New York where he practised optometry and also began his career as an optometry medical writer, writing several books and writing for optometry and optical journals. He also taught at the New York Institute of Optometry. See Ryer E LeR. Robert Minturn Lockwood. Amer J Optom 1929; 6(3), 145-148, See his books Cat nos. 288, 1022, 1840, 3260.
How Acquired: Donated by Duncan Waite, member of the College
Date Acquired: June 2011
Condition: Fair to good (several erasures on early pages)
Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 7

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