
The preservation and care of the human eye

Catalogue Number: 1841
The preservation and care of the human eye
Category: Book
Sub-Category: Significant book (Aitken collection)
Author: MORCK August
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1888
Time Period: 19th C
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Warren PA USA
Publisher/Manufacturer: E Cowan and Co
Description Of Item: Tan, imitation lizard skin card covers,, with title details and illustrated eye. 70 pages, illustrated with black and white figures and diagrams
Historical Significance: August Morck was an American optician and jeweller whose firm, Morck Brot, was established in Warren, Pennsylvania in 1870. Warren is a small country town but was experiencing good times at the time of the book from a minor oil boom. This booklet contains information about the anatomy and physiology of the eye, vision, refractive errors etc. It is essentially a promotion for his business. Of special interest is his description of two patents for his MORCK bifocals (see p 53-56), a significant improvement of the bifocal at the time. A similar booklet is that of James McQueen, also published in 1888 (Cat No 48).
How Acquired: Donated by Michael Aitken, honorary archivist
Date Acquired: June 2011
Condition: Good (spine defective)
Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 4

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