
Record of reading analysis

Catalogue Number: 1861
Record of reading analysis
Category: Papers
Sub-Category: Patient examination record
: Josef Lederer
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1961
Time Period: 1940 to 1999
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Sydney
Description Of Item: Buff coloured clincial record card 22 cm W14.5 cm H, printed both sides with handwritten clinical notes in blue ink, headed on one side 'READING ANALYSIS' and on the other 'VISUAL RATING'. The card is identified as being for Mr Isaacs. Attached with a paper clip is a strip of 35 mm negative film with a record of an eye movement recording.
Historical Significance: This record was made in 1961 (?) when Alan Isaacs attended the ANZAAS congress in Sydney during which he visited Professor Josef Lederer at the University of NSW. (Personal communication 2010). At the time there was some interest in assessment of reading ability by optometrists, driven mostly by a desire to expand the scope of optometry. The interest was based then, as it is now, on the assumption that poor vision and poor visual coordination are common causes of deficient reading skills and that reading ability can be improved by vision training. The availability of eye movement recording instruments added a new and technologcally impressive diagnostic tool. The interest emerged in the late 1950s and continues today, especially mong those optometrists who practice as behavioural optometrists. However, interest in eye movement recording and analysis did not become popular and interest soon waned.
How Acquired: Donated by Dr Alan Isaacs, honorary life member of the College
Date Acquired: Oct 2010
Condition: Good
Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 4

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