Catalogue Number: 1866 (Instructions for use of) The new Asher-Law stereoscope Category: Papers Sub-Category: Ophthalmic product manual/instructions Corporation: Keeler Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1952 ? Time Period: 1940 to 1999 Place Of Publication/Manufacture: London Publisher/Manufacturer: Keeler Description Of Item: Four page leaflet giving a description and method of operation of the Asher-Law stereoscope with illustrations of the sets of available stereoscope cards and two illustrations of the instrument. Historical Significance: The instrument was designed by H Ascher and FW Law Brit J Ophthal 1952; 36:225. It was designed to provide excercises for the accomodative convergence relationship (convergence without accommodation, convergence with fixed accommodation, accommodation without convergence and with fixed convergence, and to exercise both accommodation and convergences in any desired relationship). Condition: Good Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 4 |