
Box of microscope slides of cross sections of parts of eyes

Catalogue Number: 1897
Box of microscope slides of cross sections of parts of eyes
Category: Historical object or artefact
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1950
Time Period: 1940 to 1999
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: London
Description Of Item: Cedar timber box, 240 mm W x 106 mm D x 43 mm H, with hinged lid and front with two swinging hooks to secure the front and lid, containing 6 wooden trays each holding 6 microscope slides having sections of various parts of the eyes of various animals under a sealed cover slip. Each slide is labelled and some carry the name of the preparer or the preparing company. The preparing companies include T Gerrard and Co, London, and W Watson, London
Historical Significance: This box of slides was owned by Ted Woodruff who was head of the optometry course in Johannesburg in South Africa in the 1950s. He migrated to Australia in 1960 and asked Rob Kaye, who qualified in optometry in South Africa, to take over his lectures in ocular anatomy and physiology. He gave this slide set to Rob Kaye at that time.
How Acquired: Donated by Robert Kaye, Sydney optometrist and former Fellow of the College
Date Acquired: 2007
Condition: Very good
Location: Archive room. West wall. Unit 3 Drawer 2

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