Catalogue Number: 1971
Table of higher degree graduates in optometry in the University of Melbourne
Category: Papers
Sub-Category: Letter, notes, memos
Author: COLLEDGE Jean S
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 2000
Time Period: 21st C
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Melbourne
Description Of Item: Table listing the higher degree graduates in optometry in the University of Melbourne from the first in 1964 to 2000, with some hand written additions and corrections on 2 A4 sheets. landscape orientation. The Table lists the higher degrees obtained (MAppSc, MScOptom. MSc, PhD) and supervisors. There is also a column giving the posiiton held by each graduand at the time of compilation of the table. The Table includes University of Melbourne graduates who completed a higher degree elsewhere. The last column lists honours and honorary docatorates. The list is in date order. There are 89 higher degree awards listed for the 40 year period
Historical Significance: The University of Melbourne took over the 4-year optometry course of the Victorian College of Optometry as a degree course of the University in 1960. The College affiliated to the University in 1961. Graduates were entitled to proceed to higher degree by research. The first to do so were John Nathan, Geoffrey Henry and Barry Cole, who held BSc degees in addition to their College LOSc diploma. They completed their MAppSc degree in 1964. The first PhD degree was obtained by H Barry Collin in 1970, followed by Barry Cole and Brian Brown in 1971.
How Acquired: Record of VCO
Condition: Good
Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 5