
The insertion and removal of haptic contact lenses

Catalogue Number: 2065
The insertion and removal of haptic contact lenses
Category: Papers
Sub-Category: Published articles
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1966
Time Period: 1940 to 1999
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: New Zealand
Publisher/Manufacturer: The New Zealand Journal of Optometry
Description Of Item: Single fold, 4 page reprint with 6 black and white photographs. Reprint from the New Zealand Journal of Optometry vol 11 No 4 June 1966.
Historical Significance: Sellers was a New Zealand optometrist prominent for his expertise in contact lenses in the 1950s and 60s. This paper was written for the general education of optometrists since few were skilled in haptic lens fitting. At the time contact lens fitting with corneal lenses was becoming more commonplace and haptic lenses less common. This is acknowledged by the author whio wrote the paper so that optometrists fitting corneal lenses would know how to handle haptic lenses should one of their patients present wearing them. Picture is figure 1 from the paper.
How Acquired: Donated by John Strachan, member of the College and one of the pioneer contact lens practitioners in Australia
Date Acquired: July 2012
Condition: Good, some creasing and folds
Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 5

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