
Box of unused flat glass spectacle lenses

Catalogue Number: 2078
Box of unused flat glass spectacle lenses
Category: Spectacles and lenses
Sub-Category: Spectacle lenses
Corporation: Bausch and Lomb
Time Period: 1900 to 1939
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: USA
Publisher/Manufacturer: Bausch and Lomb
Description Of Item: Original small box containing remaining 7 unused flat glass spectacle lenses, oval shape aprox 40 x 30 mm and generally labelled in dioptric power and focal length in inches. Box label states 'BAUSCH AND LOMB /10 pairs/Periscopic Cx/Bevel edgesAustralian 4 E ye/Focus/Ophthalmic lenses/Made in USA'. Top of box inscribed in ink writing '6 pr +1.50 6 pr +1.75'
How Acquired: Donated by Martin Gertler, formerly from York Optical
Date Acquired: July 2012
Condition: Box distressed, lenses fine
Location: Archive office. East wall shelves unit 3. Drawer 7

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