Catalogue Number: 2093 Newspaper clippings of reports of the development of a simple low cost retinal camera by David M Cockburn Category: Papers Sub-Category: Newspaper, newspaper clipping Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1957, 1958 Time Period: 1940 to 1999 Description Of Item: Six newspaper clippings of reports of the development of a simple low cost retinal camera by Melbourne optometrist David M Cockburn Historical Significance: David Cockburn was one of the live wires of the profession in Australia from 1950 to 1995. He was an inspiring lecturer who was always full of good ideas to advance the abilities and professional standards. He devised this simple adaptation of the Bausch and Lomb table top binocular ophthalmoscope to take retinal photographs in 1957 and it was widely reported in the news media, Details of the adaptation are published in DM Cockburn. Retinal photography using a modified Bausch & Lomb binocular ophthalmoscope. Br J Physiol Opt. 1958 Jul;15(3):186-91. He was foundation Chairman of the Board of the National Vision Research Institute 1971 to 1988 and foundation Chairman of the Board of Continuing Education 1976 - 1992. He was a distinguished clinical teacher and researcher for over 30 years and was a central figure in the fund raising that enabled the NRVI to be established. He was awarded the Medal of Order of Australia (OAM) and an honorary Doctorate of Science by the University of Melbourne, the first awarded to an optometrist by the University. See his profile Clin Exp Optom 2003; 86: 1: 57-62 which is on this web site under the tab 'People who made history' How Acquired: Donated by Dr David Cockburn, honorary life meber of the College Date Acquired: April 2012 Condition: Fair Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 5 |