Catalogue Number: 4056 Synoptophore glass slides Category: Equipment Sub-Category: Tests of binocular vision Corporation: Clement Clarke Ltd (Pa1r 1-4) &Gunn's Melbourne (pair 5 & possibly pair 6) Time Period: 1940 to 1999 Place Of Publication/Manufacture: London & Melbourne Publisher/Manufacturer: Clement Clarke Ltd. London &Gunn's, Melbourne Description Of Item: Six pairs of coloured synoptophore glass slides -Pair 1 (836102544 G43 & G44 dog & doghouse) & Pair 2 (836102552 G51 & 52 mouse & box) with red binding marked Clement Clarke International Ltd, 15 Wigmore St, London W1, England. Pair 3 with red binding (G25 & G26 -figure & ladder) marked Clement Clarke Ltd., 16 Wigmore St London WIH 0DH G.25 Pair 4 (F 255 F256- snoopy playing drums) with green binding marked Clement Clarke Ltd., 16, Wigmore St., London W.I. England. By kind permission of Mr Harry Corbett. Pair 5 (soldier and box) with brown paper border marked GUNN'S SLIDE 9 Collins Place Melb.Cent. 2736. Pair 6 with black borders possibly made by donor (kites) . Each slide 80 x 80 mm. How Acquired: Donated by Dr Alan Isaacs Date Acquired: 07/11/2019 Condition: Pairs 1-4 in good condition, pair 5 in fair condition, pair 6 in poor condition. Location: Archive room. West wall. Unit 1 Drawer 4 |