
Synoptophore slides

Catalogue Number: 4057
Synoptophore slides
Category: Historical object or artefact
Corporation: Clement Clarke Ltd
Time Period: 1940 to 1999
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: London, UK
Publisher/Manufacturer: Clement Clarke Ltd
Description Of Item: Six synoptophore glass slides. Pair 1 (F.59 & F.60 (bear with honey pot) with green binding marked CLEMENT CLARKE LTD., 16, Wigmore St, London, W.1. England. By kind permission of Harry Corbett. Pair 2 ((D.5 & D.6) with yellow borders marked 16 Wigmore St., London W1 England.Single slide with yellow border (D.52 fishes). Single slide without border G.36slides 80 x 80 mmPair 2 on display in Aitken Gallery
How Acquired: Donated by Val Blackwood
Date Acquired: 11/12/2017
Condition: Pairs 1 & 2 and single slide D.52 excellent condition. excellent condition, G.36 poor condition.
Location: Archive room. West wall. Unit 1 Drawer 4

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