
Walter Jameson clip-on sunglasses

Catalogue Number: 4098
Walter Jameson clip-on sunglasses
Category: Spectacles and lenses
Sub-Category: Sunglasses
Corporation: Walter Jameson
Time Period: c 1949. Design patent applied for c 1948
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Chelmsford, England
Publisher/Manufacturer: Walter Jameson Ltd.
Description Of Item: Panto shaped white metal clip-on sunglasses glazed with green tinted glass lenses attached by screws to a flexible metal strip. Engraved decoration on rims with two metal clips to attach sunglasses to a spectacle frame.WJLTD.PAT 597619 engraved on underside of mteal strip on right side. Eye size 44mm, overall size 102mm x 40mm.
How Acquired: Donated by Elizabeth Hatfield
Date Acquired: 13/10/2019
Condition: Excellent
Location: Archive Office. Spectacles cabinet Drawer 3

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