Catalogue Number: 2128 Prescription pitfalls and how to avoid them Category: Book Sub-Category: Significant book (Aitken collection) Author: RAXWORTHY Henry C Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1918 Time Period: 1900 to 1939 Place Of Publication/Manufacture: London Publisher/Manufacturer: Hatton Press Ltd Description Of Item: Blue cloth cover, 200 x 130 mm, 38 pages and 1 page advertisement for The British Ocentric Optical Co Ltd (See picture) one on the first page and 2 unnumbered pages of advertisements for the same company at the back. There is an appendix reproducing a calculation of prismatic effect for bifocals by P F Everitt BSc by way of an addendum and a one page index. Several black and white illustrations of suggested prescriber charts and one of lens shapes. The advertisemens also have illustrations. Historical Significance: This booklet was originally published in the 'Optician and Scientific Instrument maker' under the title 'Pity the poor jobber'. The title page indicates that the author also wrote under the pseudonym of 'Obfuscando'. The author was a London optician (optometrist) who wrote the book to overcome confusion in ordering terminology for glaases from the optical wholesale 'jobbing'[ houses. He is also author of 'The ocentric eye-glass' published in the Transactions of the Optical Society, Volume 24, Issue 2, pp. 89-92 (1923). The advertiser ,The British Ocentric Optical Co Ltd, is known for its unique design of pince-nez known as the Ocentric. The second advertisng page has an illustration of this kind of pince-nez. The musem holds an example of the 'Ocentric' See Cat No 363. How Acquired: Donated by Michael Aitken, honorary archivist Date Acquired: Nov 2012 Condition: Good Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 5 |