
Seeing to Safety on Tasmanian Roads. Submission to the Legislative Council Committee on Road Safety

Catalogue Number: 3786
Seeing to Safety on Tasmanian Roads. Submission to the Legislative Council Committee on Road Safety
Category: Book
Sub-Category: Reports and submissions
Association: Australian Optometrical Association (Tasmanian Division)
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1983
Time Period: 1940 to 1999
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Hobart
Publisher/Manufacturer: Australian Optometrical Association (Tasmanian Division)
Description Of Item: Cardboard folder with title on the front.Approximately 80 stapled pages printed on one side.Black and white photos, charts and diagrams .Library stamp of the Wright Library, Australian Optometrical Association on top of title page
Historical Significance: The submission was written in support of a report issued by the Australian Government's House of Representatives Standing Committee on Road Safety, which had recommended that (a)visual acuity of 6/12 be adopted uniformly throughout Australia as the minimum standard for driver vision, and (b) the Minister for Transport encourage all licensing authorities in Australia to require drivers renew their licenses at age 55, and (c) every 5 years subsequently produce a certificate of visual competency signed by and optometrist or ophthalmologist.The submission was written for the Australian Optometrical Association (Tasmanian Division) by ES Padman and JJ Coulson.
How Acquired: Donated by Optometry Australia
Date Acquired: 23///7/18
Condition: Good
Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 9

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