
Madame Alfred Heymann Commemorative Disc

Catalogue Number: 2138
Madame Alfred Heymann Commemorative Disc
Category: Photographs
Sub-Category: Photo Album, print and electronic
Photographer: David Fleishman and others
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 2012
Time Period: 21st C
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: London UK
Publisher/Manufacturer: International Ophthalmic Antiques Collectors' Club
Description Of Item: CD labelled 'Madame Alfred Heymann' 'Ophthalmic Antiques Collectors' Club' containing 386 high resolution colour images of photographs of items from the Madame Heymann collection. The images are identified by a code number but there is no index or text descriptions of the items.
Historical Significance: Madame Alfred Heymann published the rare book "Lunettes et Lorgnettes de Jadis" in 1911 giving details of her fabulous collection. (Copy held in Kett Museum Cat No 69) Unfortunately, after her death in 1925, the collection was dispersed and all but disappeared. Members of the Ophthalmic Antiques International Collectors' Club, led by Dr. David Fleishman, recently (c 2010) succeeded in locating a large part of the collection. The OAICC produced this Commemorative Disc containing over 300 images of many of the spectacles and cases held by the Chateau Ecouen. There is no index or text descriptions of the images however many can be identified by cross reference with the thumbnail images at http://www.antiquespectacles.com/heymann/chart/chart.htm. The contents of this disc are copied on to the Museum computer and also into iPhoto on that computer. They are also backed up in the Museum folder in the ACO server.
How Acquired: Purchased by Kett Museum
Date Acquired: Jan 2013
Condition: Good
Location: Archive office. South wall. Cube 6

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