
Ophthalmic antiques: the newsletter of the OAICC and cumulative index 1982-2011

Catalogue Number: 2140
Ophthalmic antiques: the newsletter of the OAICC and cumulative index 1982-2011
Category: Periodical, magazine
Association: Ophthalmic Antiques International Collectors' Club
Time Period: 21st C
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: London
Publisher/Manufacturer: Ophthalmic Antiques International Collectors' Club
Description Of Item: 'Ophthalmic Antiques' is the quarterly newsletter of the Ophthalmic Antiques International Collectors' Club http://www.oaicc.com/. It is held in the Nathan Library from January 1996. It originated as a club newletter known as 'The Bulletin' and later as the 'The Newsletter' and was named 'Ophthalmic antiques' from July 1990. The cumulative index from 1982 to 2011 is on the Kett Museum computer in pdf format and also on a compact disc filed as Cat No 2139.
Condition: Good
Location: Nathan Library. General library collection

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