
Biofinity Multifocal Soft Disposable Contact Lens Blisters

Catalogue Number: 3955
Biofinity Multifocal Soft Disposable Contact Lens Blisters
Category: Spectacles and lenses
Sub-Category: Contact lenses and accessories
Corporation: CooperVision
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: C 2016
Time Period: 21st C
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Hamble, UK
Publisher/Manufacturer: CooperVision
Description Of Item: Three blisters 55 x 35 x 10 mm each containing one contact lens with the words comfilcon A multifocal, NOT TO BE SOLD INDIVIDUALLY Contents: One tinted soft contact lens (comfilcon A 52%, H2O 48%) for daily in buffered saline, Rx Only, Sterile, Cooper Vision, Hamble, SO31 4RF, UK, Scottsville NY14546 USA, Juana Diaz PR00795 USA and lens parameters (8.6/14.0/-3.25 +1.50 D on the face. Expiry date 2018/07
Historical Significance: Biofinity Multifocal Disposable Contact lenses are of silicon hydrogel material and came in Centre Distance and Centre Near designs. The D on the label of these lenses indicate the Centre Distance form.
How Acquired: Donated by Colin Bates
Date Acquired: 15/5/2019
Condition: Very Good
Location: Archive Office. Cabinet One Drawer 16

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