Catalogue Number: 2151 Sight-testing as applied to defective vision Category: Memorabilia and ephemera Sub-Category: Advertising, ophthalmic practitioners Practice/Business: H. A. Barraclough Ltd Consulting Opticians Year Of Publication/Manufacture: c 1920 Time Period: 1900 to 1939 Description Of Item: Photocopy of the original advertising booklet for H. A. Barraclough Ltd Consulting Opticians of 385 George Street Sydney, 36 pages plus both sides of the front and back cover. Photocopy made at 120% enlargement. Includes reproductions of a certificate of appointment to the Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia, Lord Denman, two Dioptric certificates of the British Optical Association for Jack Askham Barraclough, a photograph of J A Barrclough, photographs of the shop interior, the consulting rooms, the workshops, a copy of a testimonial from The Earl of Dudley, photographs of and testimonials from other distinguished clients. Also included is a photocopy of a Christmas card for Greenfield and Barraclough Opticians of George St Brisbane 1893 held by the State Library of Queensland. Historical Significance: The copy was made from the original booklet, privately owned by Michael Aitken. How Acquired: Donated by Michael Aitken, honorary archivist Date Acquired: Jan 2013 Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 5 |