Catalogue Number: 3588 Opening of the Ninth Conference of the Australian Optometrical Association, Bribane 1922 Category: Photographs Sub-Category: Photograph People and events Photographer: Daily Mail, Brisbane Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Brisbane, Queensland Publisher/Manufacturer: Daily Mail, Brisbane Description Of Item: Mounted black and white photograph. Mount 240 mm. x 105 mm. Image 210 mm, x 83 mm. The item has been removed from its frame before acquisition. Written on the back of the mount is, 'Official Opening of A.O.A. Conference Brisbane by Governor Sir John Goodwin K.C.G, C.M.G. D.S.O. Monday April 29th 1929. Courtesy 'Daily Mail' Brisbane 5 3/4 width Historical Significance: Conference of the Australian Optometrical Association regularly brought representatives of the affiliated State bodies together to formulate high-level policy for the federation. The Ninth Conference was held in Brisbane in 1929. The Brisbane Courier reported :NEW ERA.OPTOMETRICAL PROFESSION.Approval of a new constitution and a decision to incorporate their organisation as a company were important resolutions at the concluding session of the Australasian Optometrical Association's ninth Interstate conference yesterday. After having given careful consideration to the proposals, the conference passed motions, "That the A.O.A. be incorporated as a company under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1899 (New South Wales)," and "That the memorandum and articles as approved by the Brisbane conference be the memorandum and articles under which the association will apply for registration." The acting chairman (Mr. W. G. Kett) said the occasion was a very historical one, and the optometrical profession In Australia was now entering a new era. The constitution provides for the establishment of a Federal association, having a branch in each of the six States of the Commonwealth, and thus gives uniform rules for the guidance and control of the optometrical profession generally. Sight testing opticians will be termed "optometrists," in order to bring all the States Into line with the conditions already existing in Queensland, where their practice is controlled by legislation. Ordinary members will be termed associates, and may by examination win the degree of fellowship. Among other things, the association will have the power to decide upon the manner of advertising of members as it may reflect upon the profession. GENERAL BUSINESS. It was decided that the next conference-in future to be known as congress- be held in Melbourne, and that the Federal council be recommended to meet in the near future at Canberra. The formation of a Federal Eye Conservation Society was discussed, and a motion was carried recommending that the council of the association should take the matter up as soon as possible. Mr. W. G. Kett (New South Wales) was deputed to supervise the production of a Federal booklet dealing with optometry. for circulation throughout Australasia. On the motion of Mr. Kett. it was decided to form a professional relationship committee, to look after matters affecting the relationship of optometry to kindred professions. A resolution was made that the establishment of an Australian College of Optometry should be considered at the first meeting of the Federal council, and a report furnished. Affiliation with the International Optical League was deferred. On the subject of diagnostic ocular pathology the conference decided to recommend the States to interest themselves in the teaching of that branch of know ledge. A motion of thanks to the Queensland Institute of Optometrists, and to its delegates and individual members, for their hospitality, was carried heartily by the visitors on the motion of Mr A Knapp (president), of Western Australia, and Mr. W G Kett (New South Wales).The conference adjourned sine dieAt the educational session last evening Mr A E Mee, lecturer in biology at the University of Queensland, read a paper on "Colour in Nature and Art," which he illustrated with lantern slides and colour cinematography A cinematographic presentation of Einstein's theory of relativity was also shown Mr A G Champion FIO (New South Wales) read a paper on "Instrumentation " How Acquired: Donated by Optometry Australia Date Acquired: 31/05/2018 Condition: Good Location: Archive office. South wall. Cube 4. Album 1 |