Catalogue Number: 2166 Spectacles with unilateral facial and ocular prosthesis Category: Spectacles and lenses Sub-Category: Artificial eyes, facial prosthesis Corporation: Zeiss (maker of frame) Year Of Publication/Manufacture: c 1970 Time Period: 1940 to 1999 Place Of Publication/Manufacture: West Germany (frame) Publisher/Manufacturer: Zeiss Description Of Item: Shell spectacle frame, brown half tone, with aluminium temples glazed with R flat top bifocal lens, L single vision lens fitted with a facial prosthesis on the left side of bridge. The prosthesis is attached to the left side of the bridge of the frame and simulated an eye surrounded by flesh of the brow and cheek. The frame is marked on the left temple 'Chantal 3116 1060 52-14 B AS5' and the right temple is marked '130 MH Zeiss West Germany'. How Acquired: Donated by Donald MacRaild. Project coordinator Vanuatu Prevention of Blindness Project Date Acquired: Jan 2013 Condition: Good Location: Archive room. West wall. Unit 2 Drawer 2 |