
Visual Field Record Booklet

Catalogue Number: 3489
Visual Field Record Booklet
Category: Memorabilia and ephemera
Sub-Category: Advertising, trade and products
Corporation: Allergan
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: c 1978
Time Period: 1940 to 1999
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Sydney, Australia
Publisher/Manufacturer: Allergan
Description Of Item: Stapled 30 leaf booklet 107 mm x 57 mm x 4 mm, with green light card covers containing removable leaves with adhesive back, imprinted with two visual field grids, L R, Epifrin and P.V. Carpine. Front cover lists 20 ophthalmic drugs. 22 leaves have been removed.
Historical Significance: A complementary booklet provided to optometrists as a means of recording and storing visual field results derived from a Bjerrum Screen test. the Bjerrum Screen was a standard means of assessing visual fields before the advent of automated perimeters like the Humphrey and Medmont Visual Field Analysers. (See Cat. No. 3418)
How Acquired: Donated by Colin Bates
Date Acquired: 5-6-2017
Condition: Fair
Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 8

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