
Oral history about Ella Lillian May Pink

Catalogue Number: 3502
Oral history about Ella Lillian May Pink
Category: Video and audio CD
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1990
Time Period: 1940 to 1999
Description Of Item: Two plastic DVD storage boxes with cover labels for Rapid Spin Video, a data recovery and tape transfer business located in Cairns and Townsville, each containing two CD discs marked T1 S1 T1 S2 on one and T2 S1 and T2 S2 on the other, on which is an audio recording about Ella Pink. The electronic labelling reads 'CD 1990 10XX - silent Intensive retreat Ramakrishna Amanda. Spoken audio'.
Historical Significance: Miss Ella Lillian May Pink (1890-1986) was an Australian woman who qualified in optometry in London in 1915 and practised in Australia from 1917 until September 1953. She wa almost certainly the first Australian woman to complete qualifications in optometry in London. She completed her Fellowship examinations of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers in 1915 acquiring the right to the post-nominal FSMC and also in the same year the examinations for the Dioptric Diploma of the British Optical Association (DBOA). She also chose to become a Fellow of the Institute of Ophthalmic Opticians (FIO) in 1916.
How Acquired: Donated by Noel Dawson (Ella Pink Collection)
Date Acquired: Aug 2018
Condition: Recording has background noises, gaps and low volume in parts
Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 8

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