
Ian Bailey and his wife Val Bailey on the occasion of the presentation of the Prentice Medal to Ian Bailey by the American Academy of Optometry

Catalogue Number: 3398
Ian Bailey and his wife Val Bailey on the occasion of the presentation of the Prentice Medal to Ian Bailey by the American Academy of Optometry
Category: Photographs
Sub-Category: Photograph People and events
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 2000
Time Period: 21st C
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Orlando, Florida
Description Of Item: Colour photograph, 150 x 100 mm, of Ian and Val Bailey looking at the Prentice Medal that had been awarded to Ian by the American Academy of Optometry in 2000. The photograph is also on file in digital format on iPhoto on Museum Computer
Historical Significance: The Charles F. Prentice Medal Award (established in 1958) is awarded annually to a distinguished scientist or clinician scientist in recognition of a career-long record of advancement of knowledge in vision science. The award is considered to be the most prestigious of the Academy's awards for achievement in research. The medal was awarded to Ian Bailey for his outstanding contributions to the field of low vision. See a profile of Ian Bailey published in Clin Exp Optom 2004; 87: 37-41.
How Acquired: Donated by Ian Bailey, Honorary Life Member of the College
Date Acquired: Oct 2016
Condition: Good, although not a high quality photograph
Location: Archive office. South wall. Cube 5 Album 3

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