
Moulded blue glass eye bath by 'Wyeth'

Catalogue Number: 3409
Moulded blue glass eye bath by 'Wyeth'
Category: Equipment
Sub-Category: Eye baths, bottles, jars
Corporation: Maryland Glass Corporation
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: mid 20th Century
Time Period: 1940 to 1999
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Publisher/Manufacturer: Maryland Glass Corporation
Description Of Item: Moulded blue glass eye bath with fluted bowl on a short hollow cylindrical base (to fit over the screw cap on an eye wash bottle). Both sides of bowl carry moulded 'WYETH'. Base rim has moulded '5'. H: 43 x W: 41 x D: 34 mm.
Historical Significance: This model eye bath was known as mould number 1686 at Maryland Glass Corporation and remained in production until 1958. The American pharmaceutical firm of Wyeth, based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, was purchased by Pfizer in 2009. Ref: Sturrock, George: Eye baths, Millstream Books, 2012.
How Acquired: Donated by Pamela R Sutton
Date Acquired: August 2017
Condition: Very good
Location: Archive Office. Spectacles cabinet Drawer 18

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