Catalogue Number: 3431 Farnsworth dichotomous D 15 Colour Vision Test Category: Equipment Sub-Category: Colour Vision Test Time Period: 1940 to 1999 Description Of Item: Satin finish polished hinged wooden box 420 x 45 x 32 mm, with brass clip and hinges containing 16 hollow centred caps each containing one of the series of Munsell papers comprising the Farnsworth Panel D 15 Colour Vision Test. Reverse of each cap has a hand-written numeral from 1 to 15 relating to the correct placement by a subject with normal colour vision. The initial reference cap has 'P' hand-written on the reverse. The bottom of the case has a clear panel so that the order of the caps can be determined. The words Robert Kaye are etched on the inside and outside of the lower half of the case. Historical Significance: The Farnsworth Panel D 15 test was devised to categorise colour defectives into protan, deutan and tritan using the confusion loci of each of those types of colour defect. How Acquired: Donated by Robert Kaye Date Acquired: 16/10/2017 Condition: good, some discolouration centrally on top of box Location: Archive room. West wall. Unit 1 Drawer 2 |