
Letters and associated materials concerning a patent for the Bailey-Lovie LogMAR chart system

Catalogue Number: 3267
Letters and associated materials concerning a patent for the Bailey-Lovie LogMAR chart system
Category: Papers
Sub-Category: Letter, notes, memos
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1975
Time Period: 1940 to 1999
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Melbourne
Description Of Item: Letter with attachments, dated September 26 1975, from Ian L Bailey, Senior Research Officer of the National Vision Research Institute of Australia to Mr J R Blaney, Secretary of the Patents Committee of the University of Melbourne seeking advice on applying for a patent for the Bailey-Lovie LogMAR chart that Bailey and Lovie had developed, and the reply from Mr Blaney dated September 26 1975. Among the attachments is a letter from Associate Professor Joe Lederer of the University of NSW dated June 13, 1975 commenting on his own visual acuity chart for assessing low vision.
Historical Significance: The concept and principles of the LogMAR visual acuity chart were invented by Bailey and Lovie in 1974-1975 and were subsequently adopted internationally. These letters show that Bailey explored the possibility of applying for a patient, which was advised against because of the difficulty of patenting printed material and because of prior publication of the invention.
How Acquired: Donated by Adjunct Professor Jan Lovie-Kitchin
Date Acquired: Mar 2017
Condition: Fair
Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 7

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