Catalogue Number: 3172 Video introduction of Professor Erica Fletcher PhD, MScOptom, FAAO winner of the 2016 Glenn A Fry Award Category: Video and audio CD Corporation: Midnight Media Group Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 2016 Time Period: 21st C Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Millburn, NJ, USA Publisher/Manufacturer: Midnight Media Group Description Of Item: Video introduction of Professor Erica Fletcher PhD, MScOptom, FAAO, Professor of Anatomy and Neuroscience, University of Melbourne, winner of the 2016 Glenn A Fry Award that was shown on the occasion the award was presented to her at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Optometry in Anaheim, California on November 11 201, after which she gave the Glenn A Fry lecture. MPEG-4 format, 1920 x 1080 resolution, 837 MB, 4 min 24 second duration. Historical Significance: Erica Fletcher is a highly regarded researcher in vision science. She is Professor in the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience at The University of Melbourne where she heads the Visual Neuroscience Laboratory. She is a clinically trained optometrist (BOptom at the University of Melbourne), who holds both MSc and PhD degrees also from the University of Melbourne. Her interest in the mechanisms of photoreceptor degeneration stem back to her doctoral studies, which were completed under the supervision of Professor Michael Kalloniatis (at the University of Melbourne) In 1996, Prof Fletcher was awarded a highly coveted, CJ Martin Award from the NH&MRC (Australia) to undertake her post-doctoral training with Prof. Dr. Heinz Wassle, at the Max-Planck Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt, Germany. She was appointed to an academic position at The University of Melbourne in 2000 initially in the Department of Optometry and Vision Science but later in the Department of Anatomy. In 2006 she was awarded the Irvin M and Beatrice Borish Award from the American Academy of Optometry for her research. Prof Fletcher's research interests remain primarily focussed on understanding the causes of retinal diseases especially Age Related Macular Degeneration. The Glenn A. Fry Lecture Award (established in 1970) is sponsored by the American Optometric Foundation. The award is given annually to a distinguished scientist or clinician scientist in recognition of the quality, significance and relevance to optometry of his or her current research. The video features laudatory comments by Professor Anthony Adams, (U Calif), Dr Teressa Puhussery (U Calif), Dr Joanna Phipps, Dr Andrew Jobling, Professor Robyn Guymer, and Professor Barry Cole (all UofM). The video was made in the USA but much of it was filmed in Melbourne by the University of Melbourne communications unit. How Acquired: Donated by Midnight Media Group 2016 Location: Archive computer iPhoto |