Catalogue Number: 3193 Keeler Spot Retinoscope Category: Equipment Sub-Category: Retinoscope Corporation: Keeler Ltd Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1960s Time Period: 1940 to 1999 Place Of Publication/Manufacture: England Publisher/Manufacturer: Keeler Ltd Description Of Item: Spot retinoscope head marked Keeler England with handle designed to hold two C Cell batteries. Bulb missing. Handle damaged to corrosion of batteries. Bottom plate of handle has been removed to allow removal of batteries and reattached. Instrument 216 mm x 40 mm. Historical Significance: Keeler retinoscopes of this design were recommended to and used by students of optometry in Melbourne in the 1960s and 1970s. David Cockburn was a prominent Melbourne optometrist with a long association with the Australian College of Optometry. His profile from Clin Exp Optom 2003; 86: 1: 57-62 can accessed on this web site under the tab 'People who made history'. How Acquired: Donated by David Cockburn Date Acquired: July 2012 Condition: Head good (Bulb missing), Handle poor due to corrosion Location: Archive room. West wall. Unit 6 Drawer 4 |