
aio Members Information Bulletin

Catalogue Number: 2873
aio Members Information Bulletin
Category: Book
Sub-Category: Booklet
Corporation: Australia's Independent Optometrists
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1994
Time Period: 1940 to 1999
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Melbourne, Australia
Publisher/Manufacturer: Australia's Independent Optometrists
Description Of Item: Booklet of 16 pages with light card cover with aio logo in green, black and white printed on it. Contents: Chairman's report, Summary of activities 1993-1994, Directory, Preferred Supplier List and Member Directory. Photgraph in colour of the founding Chairman Heather Waldron.
Historical Significance: This Members Information Bulletin was produced in the second year of operation of aio. Australia's Independent Optometrists (aio) was set up by the Australian Optometrists Association to promote a corporate image and provide practical business support for independent full scope optometrists. The organisation also provided commercial advantages for its members. aio was later renamed Provision.
How Acquired: Donated by Colin Bates, honorary archivist
Condition: Good
Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 7

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