
Text-book of ophthalmology

Catalogue Number: 2889
Text-book of ophthalmology
Category: Book
Sub-Category: Book of historical note
Author: Ernst Hofrat FUCHS (Translated by Alexander Duane)
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1908
Edition: 3rd Edition
Time Period: 1900 to 1939
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Philadelphia
Publisher/Manufacturer: J B Lippincott
Description Of Item: Original cloth, 908 pp, 441 illustrations including 4 colour plates. Library stamps of ACO and VCO
Historical Significance: This is a classic text book of the period. Dr Ernst Fuchs (1851-1930) was Professor of Ophthalmology in the University of Vienna. He was the son of an ophthalmologist, and headed the Second Clinic of Ophthalmology at the University of Vienna from 1885-1915. During those years, ophthalmologists from around the world travelled to Vienna to learn from the man considered the master of their profession. Fuchs' extensive clinical studies and histopathologic observations provided the first descriptions and definitions of many conditions and diseases of the eye, including Fuchs' dystrophy and more than a dozen others which still bear his name. His Textbook of Ophthalmology, first published in 1889, was regarded as the 'bible of ophthalmology' for more than 50 years. Decades after Fuchs' death, ophthalmologists around the world still relied on this definitive text. Ernst Fuchs was famed for his teaching abilities throughout his career but especially during the last 15 years of his life, which he spent travelling to teach and visit his pupils around the world.
Condition: Good
Location: Archive room. East wall. Books of historical note

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