Catalogue Number: 2897 Unglazed long handled 'tortoise shell' lorgnette Category: Spectacles and lenses Sub-Category: Lorgnette Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1930 Time Period: 1900 to 1939 Description Of Item: Unglazed long-handled 'tortoise shell' lorgnette, handle 260 mm, rims 110 x 28 mm. The oval rims pivot behind the top of the handle or swung out for use. The long handle has fancy open fret decoration Historical Significance: The 'tortoise shell' is probably imitation since there are no signs of hand carving of the intricate open decoration. A similar example at Cat. No. 658 maybe real tortoise shell and may, as described in the catalogue record, date from the late 19th century. This example is more likely to be a fashionable revival from the 1930s or later. How Acquired: Donated by Estate of William Cooper, via Peter Lewis Date Acquired: April 2016 Condition: Good, except small chip on handle Location: Archive Office. Spectacles cabinet Drawer 4 |