
Stichting National Brillmuseum 2016

Catalogue Number: 2913
Stichting National Brillmuseum 2016
Category: Papers
Sub-Category: Brochure/pamphlet/leaflet (museums)
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 2016
Time Period: 21st C
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Description Of Item: Brochure for the Stichting National Brillmuseum, colour printed and illustrated card covers, 225 x 155 mm, 32 pages, describing the Brillmuseum in Amsterdam, illustrated in colour with descriptions in Dutch and English and interspersed advertisements
Historical Significance: The National Brillmuseum (National Museum for Spectacles) is a privately owned owned establishment founded by Jan Teunissen, a third generation in the optical business and now managed by his daughter Mijke. Jan Teunissen collected spectacles and related objects for 35 years and now has his collection displayed on the upper floors of a 1620 building close to the Queens Palace and the Dam. A fee is charged for entry. The ground floor is a shop selling replica antique and cult spectacle frames. The brochure gives an account of the history of spectacles and the various kinds of spectacles. It was acquired by Pamela Sutton when she visited the Museum in June 2016. For more information about this museum and other Eurpoean ophthalmic museums see 'Michael Aiken's tour' (pdf) on the Kett Museum website under the tab 'Links for History Buffs'
How Acquired: Donated by Pamela Sutton, honorary archivist
Date Acquired: July 2016
Condition: Mint
Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 7

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