
Factsheet: Various Titles 1997 to 2003

Catalogue Number: 2945
Factsheet: Various Titles 1997 to 2003
Category: Papers
Sub-Category: Brochure/pamphlet/leaflet (optometry)
Institution: Australian College of Optometry (at the time Victorian College of Optometry)
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1997 to 2003
Time Period: 1940 to 1999
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Melbourne
Publisher/Manufacturer: Victorian College of Optometry
Description Of Item: Eight A 4 sheets printed on both sides each concentrating on a different aspect of optometry. Titles are: A History of the V.C.O., Standards for spectacle Lenses, Interpreting Visual Fields, Special Services at the VCO Clinic (10-1999), Vision Therapy, Visual Field Analysis, Colour vision Management and Specialist Services at the VCO Clinic (10-2003)
Historical Significance: A series of information sheets originally inserted in the College monthly newsletter entitled 'Continuing Education'. Various authors contributed on the topics. In these sheets contributors were B. Cole, M. Anjou, A. Vingrys, T. Fricke, C. Dinardo and A. Bruce. History of the VCO also Cat. No. 2628
How Acquired: Donated by Colin Bates
Date Acquired: 8/8/2016
Condition: Good
Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 7

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