
Cased opera glasses by Lemaire for Barraclough

Catalogue Number: 2954
Cased opera glasses by Lemaire for Barraclough
Category: Spectacles and lenses
Sub-Category: Telescopes, binoculars, opera glasses
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: c1900
Time Period: 19th C
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Paris, France
Publisher/Manufacturer: Lemaire
Description Of Item: Cased opera glasses. Black painted finish over brass construction. Fine leather covering barrels. One eyepiece engraved:'LEMAIRE FT PARIS' the other 'MADE FOR BARRACLOUGH MELBOURNE & SYDNEY'. Hinged-top case covered with black leatherette and lined with blue satin. Brass closure stud of case shows bee emblem of the Lemaire company, indicating its appointment as court opticians to Napoleon. Dimensions, extended: 47x109x105mm.
How Acquired: Purchased by Kett Museum
Date Acquired: August 2016
Condition: Good
Location: Archive Office. Cabinet One Drawer 15

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