Catalogue Number: 2742 Shooting spectacles with adjustable aperture disc Category: Spectacles and lenses Sub-Category: Spectacles, shooting Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1900 to 1920 Time Period: 1900 to 1939 Description Of Item: White base metal round-eye frame with W bridge and straight sides, 110 x 32 mm overall, frame size 32/24. The left lens is a flat base plano power lens with a dark smoke tint. The right eye is fitted with a black metal disc with a 4 mm aperture displaced 7 mm to the nasal side of it centre. A rotating disc with four different sized aperture sizes is fixed behind the black metal disc by a centrally located pin enabling the user to select a preferred aperture size. Historical Significance: The donor, Mr John Boxshall, is the grandson of a Mr John Garratt a Melbourne optometrist, who practised at Centeway, Collins Street, Melbourne, a practice address also used by Miss H Moody, the first woman optometrist in Victoria. Search the donor field for the donor 'Boxshall' for more items from the practices of John Garratt and Miss H Moody and more information about them. How Acquired: Donated by John Boxshall, Carlton Date Acquired: Mar 2009 Condition: Good Location: Archive Office. Spectacles cabinet Drawer 2 |