Catalogue Number: 2490 The principles and practice of refraction Category: Book Sub-Category: Significant book (Aitken collection) Author: GILES George H Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1960 Edition: 1st Edition Time Period: 1940 to 1999 Place Of Publication/Manufacture: London Publisher/Manufacturer: Hammond, Hammond and Company Ltd Description Of Item: Original blue navy cloth cover, 220 x 145 mm, 688 pages, 163 black and white illustrations Historical Significance: This is a first edition of a book which gives an account of the main scope of optometry in the middle of the 20th C from a UK perspective. It does not have any content on diseases of the eye other than a chapter on ophthalmoscopy. It does not allude to biomicroscopy or tonometry. The book is a successor to Emsley's book Visual Optics (1936) and before that Laurance's book Visual optics and sight testing (1912). George Giles OBE FBOA FSMC DOrth (1904-1965) was a prominent figure in UK optometry and was the Secretary of the British Optical Association from 1941-1965. He was made an Honorary Life Member of the Australian College of Optometry when he visited in 1955. At various times he was Senior Examiner of the BOA, Senior Staff refractionist, Senior Orthoptist and Lecturer at the London Refraction Hospital, consultant to the Thames Nautical Training College (HMS "Worcester"), Registrar of the Joint Council of Qualified Opticians, Technical Adviser to the London Optical Company, Honorary Secretary of the West and North West London and Middlesex Local Association, member of the General Optical Council, President of the International Optical League, a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry, a Fellow of the Illuminating Engineering Society, Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society and an Ernest Aves Medallist. He also qualified as a barrister of Lincoln's Inn. Giles edited the Dioptric Review and The British Journal of Physiological Optics. He co-designed the Giles-Archer Colour Vision Unit and various orthoptic instruments. There was a second edition 1965: see Cat No 1282. See other books by Giles in this collection. Cat Nos. 104, 195, 196, 607, 609, 1706, 4327 How Acquired: Donated by Harold Barton, Melbourne optometrist Date Acquired: Sep 2014 Condition: Fine Location: Nathan Library. Aitken collection |