
Optics of the human eye

Catalogue Number: 2264
Optics of the human eye
Category: Book
Sub-Category: Book of historical note
Author: ATCHISON David A, SMITH George
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 2002
Edition: Reprint of 2000 edition
Time Period: 21st C
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: United Kingdom
Publisher/Manufacturer: Butterworth Heinemann
Description Of Item: Colour illustrated boards, 269 pages, illustrated with black and white diagrams throughout. 260 x 180 mm
Historical Significance: Dr George Smith (1941-2008) was trained as a physicist. He taught optics in the Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences in the University of Melbourne from 1975 until his retirement on December 31 2003. He taught a very high standard of optics since his PhD training had been with Professor Hopkins at Reading University. He also supervised a number of PhD students who subsequently pursued successful academic careers making use of their expertise in optics, most notable among them being Professor David Atchison. He was a productive researcher, especially in collaboration with others, and as a result canvassed a wide range of optical research problems in both applied optics and visual optics. He published two books jointly with David Atchison. See his obituary Clin Exp Optom 2008; 91: 324-326. David Atchison qualified in optometry at the University of Melbourne where he also completed his masters degree and a PhD. He obtained his DSc at QUT. He became professor of optometry at the Queensland University of Technology where he achieved a great reputation for his research in visual optics. He became of Fellow of the Optical Society of America in 2005, See his profile Clin Exp Optom 2005; 88: 58-59
How Acquired: Purchased by Kett Museum (Abe books)
Date Acquired: Aug 2013
Condition: Mint
Location: Archive room. East wall. Books by Australian authors

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