
Japanese visual acuity chart

Catalogue Number: 2620
Japanese visual acuity chart
Category: Equipment
Sub-Category: Visual Acuity, Contrast sensitivity tests
Corporation: Hoya Lens Co
Time Period: 1940 to 1999
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Japan
Publisher/Manufacturer: Hoya Lens Co
Description Of Item: Card, 49 x 34 cm, illustrative of a Japanese visual acuity chart produced for promotional purposes by the Hoya Lens Co. A note on the back states that the chart is for purely decorative purposes and is in the style of a Japanese 'Noren' or sign curtain that is commonly hung over Japanese shop entrances. It is reduced in size relative to a visual acuity chart and is not intended to be used for visual acuity testing. On the front are 6 columns, the first showing Landolt rings, the next four having Japanese script in Hiraban and Katakana systems in descending size order. The last column has Snellen decimal visual acuity notation. The background has decorative bamboo tree and leaves and advertising for Hoya. On the back of the chart there is information on the Japanese language.
Historical Significance: `
How Acquired: Donated by Dawn Odgers, Melbourne optometrist and member of the College
Date Acquired: April 2015
Condition: Good
Location: Archive room. West wall. Unit 4 Drawer 2

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