
Catalogue for aids for patients with low visual acuity

Catalogue Number: 2690
Catalogue for aids for patients with low visual acuity
Category: Papers
Sub-Category: Ophthalmic product catalogue
Corporation: Rayner
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1956
Time Period: 1940 to 1999
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: London
Publisher/Manufacturer: Rayner
Description Of Item: Green card wrappers, 230 x 180 mm, 23 pages, copiously illustrated with black and white photographs of low vision aids
Historical Significance: The low vision era began in the mid 20th century although there were spectacle mounted telescopic magnifiers for the partially sighted made by Zeiss in the 1920s and William Feinbloom in the USA was providing leadership and inventiveness in the field in the 1930s. The field 'took off' in the 1950s and 1960s with the Lederer lenses becoming available in 1954, the Keeler telescopic fitting set in 1955, and Normal Bier writing his book on low vision in 1960. The Kooyong Low Vision Clinic was established in 1972. This product catalogue from the British Dispensing Optician and Instrument Makers, Rayner, located at 100 Bond Street, London is dated 1956. It shows an impressively diverse range of products to assist those with low vision. The catalogue includes anglepoise desk lamps, spectacles with shaded edges, side cups and shades, magnifiers, including stand magnifiers and those with built-in illumination, reading stands, telescope spectacle mounted magnifiers for distance and near, as well as aids to testing and fitting these devices
How Acquired: Donated by Pamela Sutton, honorary archivist
Date Acquired: May 2015
Condition: Fine
Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 6

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