
Cataract and its treatment

Catalogue Number: 80
Cataract and its treatment
Category: Book
Sub-Category: Significant book (Aitken collection)
Author: KIRKPATRICK, Henry
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1921
Time Period: 1900 to 1939
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: London
Publisher/Manufacturer: Henry Frowde; Hodder & Stoughton
Description Of Item: The book is hard cover, 220 x 140 mm, 201 pages including an index. It is a comprehensive treatise on cataract with 16 chapters and 70 illustrations. Each chapter has a list of references.
Historical Significance: The author was a military surgeon based in India. He was Lt Col in the Indian Medical service, Professor of Pathology and of Ophthalmology in the Medical College in Madras and Superintendent of the Government Ophthalmic Hospital, Madras. The book was written to assist others practising in colonial outposts who might have limited access to libraries. This book was owned by Eric Padman, a prominent Tasmanian optometrist who served a term as national president of the Australian Optometrical Association.
How Acquired: Donated by Mrs M Padman, widow of Eric Padman, prominent Tasmanian optometrist
Location: Nathan Library. Aitken collection

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