
Text book of ophthalmoscopy Part II Diseases of the retina, optic nerve, and choroid, their varieties and complications

Catalogue Number: 292
Text book of ophthalmoscopy Part II Diseases of the retina, optic nerve, and choroid, their varieties and complications
Category: Book
Sub-Category: Book of historical note
Author: Edward Greely LORING
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1891
Time Period: 19th C
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: New York
Publisher/Manufacturer: D Appleton and Co
Description Of Item: 260 pages, colour frontispiece and 7 colour plates, 64 figures in text
Historical Significance: Edward Loring (1837-1888) was an American ophthalmologist who popularised and improved the ophthalmoscope during Helmholtz's lifetime. This book was published 2 years before Helmholtz's death in 1894. (see Keeler CR The ophthalmoscope in the lifetime of Hermann von Helmholtz Reprinted in Arch Ophthal 2002; 120: 2002 and available free at http://archopht.ama-assn.org/cgi/reprint/120/2/194.pdf. This paper describes Loring's contributions to improving the ophthalmoscope. Part 1 was published in 1885. This text book book has been digitised and can be viewed free of charge at:http://www.archive.org/details/textbookofophtha02loriiala
Condition: Good except for library markings
Location: Nathan Library. Aitken collection

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