Catalogue Number: 304
Optometrists handbook of eye diseases
Category: Book
Sub-Category: Book of historical note
Author: Joseph Irving PASCAL, Harold Greely NOYES
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1954
Time Period: 1940 to 1999
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: St Louis
Publisher/Manufacturer: CV Mosby Co
Description Of Item: Original cloth, 300 pages, 155 illustrations. Stamp indicating it was owned by Sydney Addison, Melbourne optometrist
Historical Significance: This book is one of the first books on eye diseases written by optometrists for optometrists. Joseph Pascal was Director, Eye Department, Sluyvesant Poly clinic, New York (which still exists in 2007). Harold Noyes was associate in optometry at Columbia University. Pascal also publsihed 'Studies in visual optics' 1952 and a book on retinoscopy (1930). Noyes published 'Ocular pathology as sen by optometrists' (1954)
How Acquired: Donated by
Condition: Very good
Location: Archive room. East wall. Books of historical note