Catalogue Number: 314
Eyestrain in health and disease
Category: Book
Sub-Category: Book of historical note
Author: Ambrose Loomis RANNEY
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1897
Time Period: 19th C
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Philadephia
Publisher/Manufacturer: FA Davis Company
Description Of Item: 321 pages, 38 wood engravings
Historical Significance: This book describes case histories in support of the author's theories on a wide variety of nervous conditions allegedly caused by eyestrain. There are some useful illustrations of instruments and methods of the 19th C. Ambrose Ranney MD (1848-1905) wrote some 30 books on anatomy and nervous disorders including some 4 books on eyestrain and one on cross eyes.
How Acquired: Ex Nathan Library Formerly in the VOA library
Condition: Good
Location: Archive room. East wall. Books of historical note